Friday, 8 May 2015


MAD Program: HERO Camp
Date: 8th May - 10th May 2015
No of Pax: 104

MADLAB Training brings 104 energetic Primary 6 students of SRI KDU to experience a 3 days adventure, a journey to become a HERO. SRI KDU Hero Camp was designed as a motivational camp for their Primary 6 students to embrace and prepare for their upcoming UPSR exam. 

The 3 days 2 nights HERO Camp was design to train the students to think like a HERO, to act like a HERO, to be brave like a HERO, to over fears and challenge with each other, HEROES coming together to be stronger and lastly having a goal and purpose like a HERO.

Ice breakers time!
They may be young, but they are energetic, full of energy and not to mention full of questions too!

Teachers who was super helpful
Day 1 begins with getting to know each other, forming HERO groupings and we got them to do HERO mascot too. 

HERO celebrates and having a great time dancing
We train them to overcome their fears through brogalympics and climbing the Broga Hill together to reach the top, thats their goal for their upcoming UPSR, to reach the top, the journey may be tough on them as 12 years old but they were very determined

After the intense 2 days of training, on the last day, it's all about HERO loving their loved ones, expressing their gratitude and also setting up their goals

His purpose to create the next big computer game

It was energy zapping but it was all worth it as we see their joy, excitement and childlike wonders to learn, to have fun and to be a HERO!

Here's some of the students feedback:
I like Mr Potato (Mr Jeff), Ms Lava and other team member. They gave me confidence and encouragement. I will never forget them and what they have said - Joanne Lee

This is the funnest camp I have ever gone to - James Yam

I would probably say that this camp is awesome and the instructors is awesome too! - Shaun Yap

The best camp i even BEEN - Gerald Tee

The camp is awesome when we do the activities like flying fox, wall climbing, criss cross and raft building - Chu Yung Huan

This camp was really fun and I am going to  miss this program - Kaartic

This is the most fun i had in years - Aous Firas

Thank you HEROES for allowing us to make a difference in your life! Now be a HERO and do well for yourself and your love ones

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