Monday, 3 March 2014

AT Team Prudential Agency - Power Planning Workshop

MAD Program: AT Team Power Planning Workshop
Date: 3rd March - 4th March 2014
No of Pax: 11

MADLAB Training takes AT Team, a fast growing Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad Insurance agency to our fearsome team building place for a time of Agency Planning Workshop.

We pack it with power brainstorming on how to make 2014 a record breaking year for AT Team agency. It was a pack 2 days one night from mindset training to overcoming your fear to setting goals for 2014 for yourself and for AT Team

We took them to take a step of faith in overcoming their FEAR, after all it's FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real

Once you take a step of faith, the rest of the journey is a breeze
Whole jungle is awake because of her scream
All for One and One for All, the early morning hike up Broga hill is a must to achieve together as a TEAM. It's total darkness through the jungle

Fantastic 2 days 1 night of agency planning workshop and everyone in AT team is all charge up to create historical 2014.

Here's their feedback:

You guys have done a very good job! Keep it up! Jia You! - Stone, AT Team

Thank you! You guys give us a relax team building program with a lot of jokes. You guys are AWESOME! - Sharon, AT Team

Thank you for your effort put in into these 2 days. Appreciate that. The course contents made me realise my previous thoughts - be it right or wrong. It sheds light into what have been an obstacle for me to breakthrough and achieve better results. Thank you very much to the both of you! - Ching Pey, AT Team